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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
H HUSKEY specialty lubrican 4
KEMLINE specialty chemicals 1
N NOVA specialty surgery 44
OPTIMA specialty steel 6
eyes N' specs 9
lens-n-specs by MAHARWAL 35
CARERA +spectacle 9
CHASMAA +spectacle 34
CITRA super spectacle frame 9
EYESENSE +spectacle 9
GALAXY +spectacle 9
H HARMONY spectacle frames 9
JOVIAL quality spectacle 9
spectacle 30
NAYANA CARE +spectacle 5
TURAKHIA +spectacle 9
a ADARSHA +spectacle 9
classic VISION +spectacle 9
spectacles 3
spectacles & arc 41
spectacles & faces 16, 35
30TH FEB +spectacles square 9, 35
AMMOOS OPTICALS +spectacles 44
CHAGMEWALA +spectacles 35
CHASHMA +spectacles 34
CHASHMA +spectacles & face 34
CHASHMA CHHAP +spectacles 30
CHASMA +spectacles 34
CHASMA brand +spectacles 31
CHASMAA +fan & spectacles 34
CHASMAWALLA.com +spectacles 9
DELTA OPTICS +spectacles 9
DOUBLE CHASHMA +spectacles 3
DRISHTI +eye & spectacles 35
G GKR optics +spectacles 44
GKB super saver +spectacles 16
GRANDMA'S MAGIC +spectacles 30
HASHMEET +spectacles square 45
IBE GEEK +spectacles 41
JAIN +spectacles 9
JSF +spectacles 3
JUST books +spectacles 9, 16, 41
LAXMI DLF +spectacles 35
M B +spectacles & ovals 9
MARVIC +spectacles 9
MELIKE +spectacles 30
OPTICAL KING OK +spectacles 9
OPTICAL PALACE +spectacles 9
OVO +spectacles 9
OXYZONE eyewear +spectacles 9
spectacles 35
POOJA +spectacles 9
PURU OPTICS +spectacles 9
REGAL OPTICIANS +spectacles 9
spectacles 9
ROSHNI OPTICALS +spectacles 35
SAFIL OPTICALS +spectacles 35
SANTA & COLE +spectacles 6, 20
spectacles 5
spectacles 3
SR OPTICALS +spectacles 9
STATUS EYE CARE +spectacles 9
STYLRITE +spectacles 9
THE GEEK +spectacles 25, 35
VINTAGE RIDES +spectacles 39
VITTORIO +spectacles 9
VOGUE OPTICS +spectacles 42
VOROSKY +spectacles 9
ainak marka +spectacles 2
eyes & spectacles 16
face & spectacles 33
optic PALACE +spectacles 9
KAMAL +flower & specticals 9
AINEK CHHAP +specticles 34
DADDY +hat & specticles 30
E2E eyes 2 eyes +specticles 35
PRINCE optician +specticles 9
VIBHINN +specticles & eyes 9
MILTON spectra +oval 11
tarzan yell spectrogram 3, 9, 16, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 41, 42
spectrum 27 +arcs 34
ABBOTT spectrum 5
CITI spectrum +squares 35
JP spectrum +ovals 3
RELIANCE spectrum ventures 42
jp spectrum +ovals 5
COMPU-spee 9
speech finder 9
speech mania 9
speech path 9
speech pearl 9
speech solutions 9
LUBATIS speech therapy cent 44
RAPHA speech hearing centre 44
S speech CRAFT 41
SHALOM speech hearing clini 44
TEJA speech & hearing +lips 42
national speech +face & bir 44
speed 4, 16
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